Saturday, December 12, 2009

Blood Angels and Tau fight as one... Wait, what?

As I have pressed on with only a few minor changes to my army list and no increase in size yet I am at a crossroads of sorts. I don't particularly feel like doing the conversions required to field Kroot and I am converting a Farsight character at the moment which leads me to the conclusion that I may want to take a 'renegade' army.
The drawbacks to fielding such an army are many since the Kroot obviously bring a significant power to the army that the Tau otherwise lacks. Farsight does of course bring his own set of benefits with him but in a much more predictable way than our primitive friends.

The benefit of course to taking a "Farsighty" list is that in 'doubles' tournaments where I play with another army I am able to provide arguably unmatched ultra long range tank killing as well as the power of Farsights ability to decimate armor in close combat while relying on the other army to deal with infantry and sitting on objectives. In a solo game however I would still be a victim of the typical Tau problem of being unable to match the objective capturing ability of other armies.
Next week I will hopefully get the opportunity to test this very theory in a game against the unstoppable Goblin Guard (Imperial Guard 2.0) when I ally with Trashman and ravenous (and as yet headless) Blood Angels. Our last meeting was brief and murderous however this time, if the universe wills it and I don't tell Trashman to place his entire army in reserve I feel that we may be able to make something happen. With any luck, that something will be a field of dead Imperial Goblins.


  1. Can I ask why Farsight's army can "provide arguably unmatched ultra long range tank killing"? On the other hand Farsight is really good option with his "up to 7 bogyguard". He is worth thinking... (nods).

  2. Unfortunately, "arguably" seemed to be the key term there and I have since learned that the arguments against my statement are far more compelling than any arguments for it. I have also begun an affair with Kroot which, though still in the honeymoon phase is going strong.
